Tasmanian Leatherwood Honeycomb Lakker Chocolatiers - The Hamper Boutique Co
    Tasmanian Leatherwood Honeycomb Lakker Chocolatiers - The Hamper Boutique Co
Tasmanian Leatherwood Honeycomb Lakker Chocolatiers - The Hamper Boutique Co
Tasmanian Leatherwood Honeycomb Lakker Chocolatiers - The Hamper Boutique Co
    Tasmanian Leatherwood Honeycomb Lakker Chocolatiers - The Hamper Boutique Co
Tasmanian Leatherwood Honeycomb Lakker Chocolatiers - The Hamper Boutique Co

Lakker Chocolatiers Tasmanian Leatherwood Honeycomb

Lakker Chocolatiers' Tasmanian Leatherwood Honeycomb Chocolate is a delightful treat. Composed of rich, creamy chocolate, it's filled with sweet, crunchy honeycomb infused with unique Tasmanian Leatherwood honey. This indulgent chocolate provides a truly unique taste sensation. Savour the luxury of Lakker Chocolatiers.