Random Harvest Rich Chocolate Bowl and Bag - The Hamper Boutique Co
    Random Harvest Rich Chocolate Bowl and Bag - The Hamper Boutique Co
Random Harvest Rich Chocolate Bowl and Bag - The Hamper Boutique Co
Random Harvest Rich Chocolate Bowl and Bag - The Hamper Boutique Co
    Random Harvest Rich Chocolate Bowl and Bag - The Hamper Boutique Co
Random Harvest Rich Chocolate Bowl and Bag - The Hamper Boutique Co

Random Harvest Rich Chocolate Bowl and Bag

Random Harvest's Desert Sauce is a delightful treat. This rich chocolate sauce, beautifully presented in a bowl and bag, perfects your desserts. Its velvety texture and intense cocoa flavour transform any dish into a gourmet delight. Savour indulgence in every spoonful.